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– The YouTube Code Cracked

Why Should You Enroll In This School?

  • I have seen extraordinary success with my YouTube channel, amassing a large audience, and earning more than $125,000 a month in profit with completely organic growth. No paid ads. No selling my soul to Susan Wojcicki.
  • It took me 1 year of consistent YouTube content creation to reach a measly 3,500 subscribers… I could basically only get my mom and like 3 cousins to watch… But I finally figured it out and in year 2 I hit 225,000 subscribers. I now regularly gain more subscribers in 1 day than I did in my first 6 months.

The question to ask yourself is.. how much is your time worth?

  • It took me an entire year to figure out what the YouTube algorithm likes and dislikes.
  • In this school, you will learn in about 9 hours what took me 2,000+ hours to figure out. Am I selling the ability to time travel? Kind of.
  • Note: yes you can absolutely figure most of this out yourself for free but is your time worth more than $0.25 an hour?
    $500 program / 2000 hours = $0.25

What You Can Expect With This School:

1. How to navigate the stress and awkwardness that is your first videos (I even show you some of my terrible first vids.. it’s bad)
2. How to produce high-quality content for all budgets (from under $100 to a full $10,000 studio and everything in-between)
3. How to set up lights so you don’t look like a gremlin on camera
4. How to build an audience that actually likes and wants to watch you on a daily basis
5. How to quickly edit videos and thumbnails like a freaking pro
6. How to navigate the many ways to monetize your channel (my favorite topic)
7. What the algorithm wants. The boy is she an elegant beast that algorithm
8. And much, much, more. Check out the full curriculum below if you’re still not convinced.

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