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"fund manager"
Showing 1-50 of 232 items.

Christine Richard – Confidence Game. How A Hadge Fund Manager Called Wall Street's Bluff

Christine Richard - Confidence Game. How a Hedge Fund Manager Called Wall Street's BluffDescriptionAn expose on the delusion, greed, and arrogance that led to America's credit crisisThe collapse of America's credit markets in 2008 is quite...

Larry Connors & Blake E.Hayward – Investment Secrets Of A Hedge Fund Manager

Larry Connors & Blake E.Hayward - Investment Secrets of a Hedge Fund ManagerThis book reveals a host of proven strategies to trade the stock, futures, and options markets. Simple and easy to use, the strategies are...

R. J. Shook – The Winners Circle. Wallstreets Best Mutual Fund Managers

Uncover and invest in the best funds for today and tomorrow The number of mutual funds investors must choose from is now greater than the number of stocks listed on the NYSE. Selecting the right fund–and,...

Ernest Chan – Generative AI For Asset Managers Workshop Recording

Ernest Chan – Generative AI For Asset Managers Workshop Recording Unleash the Potential of Generative AI in Asset Management: Discover, Learn, and Apply! The recorded content from our enlightening 2-day workshop held from September 30 to...

Simo Ahava – Server-side Tagging in Google Tag Manager

Simo Ahava – Server-side Tagging in Google Tag ManagerWelcome to Server-side Tagging In Google Tag Manager! This course will teach you everything you need to know about setting up the tagging environment, migrating your client-side tags...

Edu fyre – Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy by Anthony Ng

Edu fyre – Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy by Anthony Ng This course provides you with the tools that top hedge funds used. These institutional tools include but are not limited to market...

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill – Mutual Funds

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill - Mutual Funds Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice gives you an unvarnished look at both the positives and the negatives of mutual fund investing: the real risks, the real costs,...

Stuart McCrary – Hedge Fund Course

Stuart McCrary – Hedge Fund Course A self-study course that reviews the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to properly manage a hedge fund Today, traditional asset managers are looking to develop their own hedge funds as...

William Webster – Accounting For Managers

William Webster - Accounting for ManagersTranslated into 16 languages! The reader-friendly, icon-rich Briefcase Books series is a must-read for all managers at every level.All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well-established in the organizational...

Scott Frush – Commodities Demystified + Hedge Funds Demystified

Scott Frush - Commodities Demystified Confused about commodities? Consult this essential resource Oil, rice, corn, the Euro--commodities these days are hot, and they're getting hotter. This engaging and thorough guide covers all the basics you'll need...

Erich A.Helfert – Financial Analysis Tools And Techniques A Guide For Managers

Erich A.Helfert - Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques a Guide for ManagersFrom the PublisherFramed in a dynamic model of the business system. Templates and diagrams illustrate key concepts. Provides a complete decisional framework for investment decisions....

Mark Wolfinger – Create Your Own Hedge Fund

Mark Wolfinger - Create Your Own Hedge FundDiscover a practical trading strategy that combines options and ETFs. Create Your Own Hedge Fund explains how exchange-traded funds can be used in conjunction with an options strategy to...

David A. Strachman – Funds Of Funds Investing

David A.Strachman – Funds Of Funds Investing Valuable guidance on fund of funds investing While capital markets have become more complex, investors are still looking to increase portfolio performance without increasing risk. Fund of funds investing...

Mark J. S. Keenan – Bridging Fundamental & Technical Analysis

Mark J. S. Keenan – Advanced Positioning, Flow, and Sentiment Analysis in Commodity Markets: Bridging Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading) The definitive book on Positioning Analysis ― a powerful and sophisticated framework to help traders,...

Jason A.Scharfman – Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence

Jason A.Scharfman - Hedge Fund Operational Due DiligenceHow to diagnose and monitor key hedge fund operational risksWith the various scandals taking place with hedge funds, now more than ever, both financial and operational risks must be...

Timothy Sykes Collection – Shortstocking, Timfundamentals, Pennystocking, Read SEC Filings, Tim Raw, Timtactics

Timothy Sykes Collection – Shortstocking, Timfundamentals, Pennystocking, Read SEC Filings, Tim Raw, Timtactics Following the success of the original PennyStocking DVD–testimonials galore, 7 DVD students in the top 20 on Covestor, only 3 DVD returns total,...

Lars Jaeger – Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund Replication

Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund ReplicationThere s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: "hedge fund replication". In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their...

John M.Longo – Hedge Fund Alpha

John M.Longo - Hedge Fund Alpha“What is particularly unique and appealing about this book is Longo's skillful combination of the portfolio manager's and the investor's perspectives. Those perspectives represent two sides of the same coin, and...

James Hedges – Hedges On Hedge Funds. How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment

James Hedges - Hedges on Hedge Funds How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment A just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing. Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of...

Chris Marrison – The Fundamentals Of Risk Measurement

Chris Marrison - The Fundamentals of Risk MeasurementThe Fundamentals of Risk Measurement introduces the state-of-the-art tools and practices necessary for planning, executing, and maintaining risk management in today’s volatile financial environment. This comprehensive book provides description and...

Peter J. Tanous – Investment Gurus. A Road Map To Wealth From The World's Best Money Managers

Investment Gurus. A Road Map to Wealth from the World's Best Money ManagersInvestment advisor Peter J. Tanous takes readers behind the scenes with Wall Street's movers and shakers, going head-to-head with 14 of America's top money...

Tristan Edwards – How To Set Up A Hedge Fund

Tristan Edwards – How To Set Up a Hedge FundTristan Edwards: “How To Set Up A Hedge Fund” Video Length 37 Minutes In this Video Hedge Fund Manager Tristan Edwards literally shows you how to set up a...

Basecamptrading – Fundamentals Of Options

Basecamptrading - Fundamentals of Options The Purpose. To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team. Drew Day - President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge...

Filippo Stefanini – Investment Strategies Of Hedge Funds

One of the fastest growing investment sectors ever seen, hedge funds are considered by many to be exotic and inaccessible. This book provides an intensive learning experience, defining hedge funds, explaining hedge fund strategies while offering...

Izze Nelken – Hedge Fund Investment Management

Izze Nelken - Hedge Fund Investment ManagementThere has been a tremendous growth in the Hedge Fund industry in recent years. It is estimated that there are more than 8000 Hedge Funds in the US alone. They...

Investopedia Academy – Fundamental Analysis

Investopedia Academy - Fundamental Analysis What will I learn? Analyze a stock's income and cash flow statements Identify weakness hidden in a stock's balance sheet Understand which value ratios identify stocks likely to rise Use fundamental analysis to pinpoint a good...

Mark T.Hebner – Index Funds

Mark T.Hebner - Index Funds Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors is the treatment of choice for wayward investors. John Bogle called Hebner s book "incredibly handsome and wise," while Burton Malkiel stated that "Hebner...

Rushin Shah – The Quick & Dirty On Hedge Fund Process

Rushin Shah – The Quick & Dirty on Hedge Fund Process ITPM – London Super Conference 2018 In this Video, Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager / Trader Rushin Shah (as a guest speaker at the Institute’s Annual...

Mark Boucher – The Hedge Fund Edge

Achieve higher returns with lower risk and take your profits globally. A leading hedge fund trader offers a solid and profitable trading approach to the world markets. “This is the best stock market book that I...

Serge Lhabitant – Handbook of Hedge Funds

Serge Lhabitant – Handbook of Hedge Funds A comprehensive guide to the burgeoning hedge fund industry Intended as a comprehensive reference for investors and fund and portfolio managers, Handbook of Hedge Funds combines new material with...

Marvin Appel – Investing With Exchange Traded Funds Made Easy

Possessing a rare skill set amongst professional investors and authors, Dr. Appel has successfully managed to provide readers with the perfect mix of up-to-date details on the various types and asset classes of ETFs, crucial, tried,...

Greg C. Greenway – Million Dollar Networks & Access

Greg C. Greenway – Million Dollar Networks & AccessWould You Like To Raise $1 Million For Your Project, Invention Or Fund In Less Than 90 Days?Dear Friend,I’m going to give you a roadmap directly into the...

Guy Bower – Advanced Spreading MasterClass

Masterclass Trader – Advanced Spreading MasterClass by Guy BowerThis MasterClass may be for you if:You want to build a long-term trading approach that makes sense.You want to diversify your investing.You know you need to expand but...

Sean Erikson – Trading With Selene’s Chariott

Sean Erikson – Trading With Selene’s Chariott In this course, Sean Erikson, a recently retired professional trader and fund manager, has presented a set of powerful trading tools used for advanced swing trading based upon the...

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month by Ron Bertino & Trading Dominion Do you need steady returns with low drawdowns? Sure. Doesn't everybody? The problem is...

Scott Phillips – Crypto Salary System

Scott Phillips – Crypto Salary SystemThe Crypto Salary System is a method that allows consumers to make up to $2,000 in a single day by trading with cryptocurrency. The creator only requires six minutes of the user’s...

Vertex – Mentorship Program

Vertex – Mentorship Program Join Our Mentor-ship Program to kick start your trading career the right way! Suitable for all experience levels including absolute beginners. More information down below Forex Basics Includes: Introduction Basics of Forex...

Chris Lori – High Probability Reversal Patterns

Chris Lori – High Probability Reversal Patterns Dear Forexmentor Trader, Big money on the forex is often made on major trend reversals. An astute trader's ability to accurately predict the imminent tops and bottoms of his/her...

Fari Hamzei – Master Traders

Fari Hamzei - Master Traders Master Traders introduces you to an outstanding group of financial experts--from seasoned hedge fund managers to top technical analysts--who discuss the methods they use to tame today's highly volatile and unpredictable...

Kathy Lien – DayTrading & SwingTrading The Currency Market (2nd Ed.)

Kathy Lien - DayTrading & SwingTrading the Currency Market (2nd Ed.) Discover a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market with the Second Edition of Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market. In...

Phillip Jenks – The Global Investor Book Of Investing Rules Advice From 150 Market Masters

Phillip Jenks - The Global Investor Book of Investing Rules. Advice from 150 Market Masters For the first time, the tactics, strategies, and insights relied on by 150 of the world's most respected financial experts are...

Douglas Ehrman – The Handbook Of Pairs Trading

Douglas S. Ehrman - The Handbook of Pairs Trading Learn both the theory and practice of pairs trading, why it is consistently profitable, and how you can apply the strategies in your own trading with this...

Anil Mangal – Wave Trading.

Anil Mangal – Wave Trading What is Trading? Everybody is familiar with the term “trading”. Most of us have traded in our everyday life, although we may not even know that we have done so. Essentially,...

Ari Kiev – Trading To Win Video Book

Ari Kiev - Trading to Win A breakthrough program for achieving new heights of trading success The product of a five-year collaboration between Dr. Ari Kiev, a leading psychiatrist renowned for his success with Olympic athletes,...

Master Trader Course / Grega Capra – How To Invest And Trade In ETFs

Master Trader Course – How to Invest and Trade in ETFs by Grega CapraAn ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is a diversified collection of assets (like a mutual fund) which trades on an exchange, like a stock.This...

Asia Forex Mentor – The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew

Asia Forex Mentor – The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew My name is Ezekiel Chew, and I teach bank traders, fund managers, prop traders and also ordinary people how to make money from trading. I...

Manas Arora – Manas Arora Bootcamp 1.0

Manas Arora – Manas Arora Bootcamp 1.0 Exactly after 3 years, my 2nd workshop: Bootcamp1.0! I am a swing trader or investor, whatever you want to call it, and I hold my stocks for a few...

Quint Tatro – Trade the Trader Know Your Competition and Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading

Quint Tatro – Trade the Trader: Know Your Competition and Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading When you trade, you're not just trading companies that deliver goods or services. You're trading against other traders who care about...

Constance M. Brown – Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional

Constance M. Brown – Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional Required reading for certification in the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) program Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional: Second Edition is an excellent read both for academics...

Van Tharp & D.R.Barton & Steve Sjuggerud – Safe Strategies For Financial Freedom

Van Tharp, D.R.Barton, Steve Sjuggerud – Safe Strategies for Financial FreedomProduct DescriptionVan Tharp, D.R.Barton, Steve Sjuggerud - Safe Strategies for Financial FreedomFrom the Back Cover Get smart about your money and retire in five years or...